• Victorian photo of the Bowder Stone showing tourist on its summit



    The beauty of Borrowdale is a result of a combination of nature, weather, time and human activity. The valley's geology is formed from ancient volcanic debris that formed around 450 million years ago, and is part of the Borrowdale Volcanic Group.


    The valley was shaped by glaciers that carved out its distinctive U-shaped form, leaving behind features such as roches moutonnées, hanging valleys, and terminal moraines. The Bowder Stone, a popular tourist attraction, is also a result of glacial activity and subsequent weathering.


    The valley's history and geology continue to be shaped by onging natural processes and human activity, with the Borrowdale Story working to preserve the area's history and culture for future generations to appreciate.

  • "By the path to King's How, I used to see the twinkling white flowers of Grass of Parnassus. I have found butterwort, sundew and cottongrass in the marshy areas. Occasionally stars of yellow tormentil and gentian-blue milkwort shine out on the higher slopes, with creamy white meadowsweet, pink dog rose and foxgloves jostle for position on the lane sides."-Nan Hicks, 2011